The joy of a vacation can be disrupted or brought to an abrupt halt if you or your loved one is involved in an accident. The whole experience can be unsettling if you are on holiday away from home, bearing in mind the cost implications and vested interest in the trip. Whether you are vacationing in a different state or foreign land, you need to acquaint yourself with background information and rules governing driving in places you want to visit. Note; there are states classified as either safe or dangerous for drivers. If you want to vacation in a foreign land, it is highly recommended that you avoid politically unstable countries. However, if you decide to travel, make sure you have a guide at hand and remember to get the location and contacts of your Embassy or consulate. According to Travel Tweaks, here is a list of measures to follow when involved in an accident while on vacation:
1. Get contact information
Your first priority is to get the contacts of all the drivers involved in the accident, along with those of the eye witnesses at the site of the accident. The most pertinent information includes names, insurance information, contact information and vehicle number plates. The witnesses can be contacted in case the party involved in the accident decides for one reason or the other to change their statements when contacted by an insurance company or attorney.
2. Get in touch with the local police
Be sure to call the local police as soon as possible after the accident. Unlike the insurance companies who are in the business of making money, the statement filed by police is always dependable, factual and bereft of any twists. The statements can also stand in the court of law. As you go through the motions, it also helps to take the picture of the cars involved in the accident as this may be needed for police investigations or insurance claims. Use your cell phone or a camera to capture images from different angles.
3. Seek medical attention
Depending on the severity of the accident along with the injuries and psychological trauma experienced during the accident, it is always advisable to seek medical attention immediately even as investigations continue. Medical attention should be sought in all cases, including those that involve minor injuries, because a seemingly harmless headache or pain in places like the spine, neck or head could point to a much more serious injury. While undergoing medical care, you need to request complete examination, accompanied by scans. To assist with claims processing, all the medical bills, both paid and unpaid should be compiled. This should help you take care of medical expenses, other claims and the repair works associated with the accident.
4. Contact an attorney
Contacting an attorney when you are involved in an accident while on vacation is important, but very tricky due to various complications, including the legal jurisdiction. For instance, if you are travelling from Florida, and are involved in an accident far away in Maine, you may have a challenge attending court cases at the scene of the accident. For this reason, you should consider getting in touch with a local attorney, to handle the situation on your behalf. The local attorney is best placed to discuss the matter with the insurance companies involved, negotiate the terms of the settlement and attend the court cases as required by the law.
Hunter Law Group
Car accidents often happen when you least expect. The situation can be even scarier if you are out on vacation. In the event of an accident, you are strongly advised to avoid admitting fault; instead notify your attorney and insurance company immediately. You also need to be careful of what you say or sign, especially when talking to the other person’s insurer. Because of their vast networks and impeccable track record, Hunter Law Group has represented many people involved in car accidents in various states as well as foreign countries.
The Tampa, Florida based law firm offers personalized legal representation in two key areas, personal injury and family law. The law firm understands that an automobile accident can disrupt the lives of the affected person permanently. In Florida, injuries and damaged incurred as a result of a car accident are covered by an individual’s own insurance. When you get in touch with an experienced personal injury attorney Tampa, the attorneys will quickly determine if you have a viable case and advocate for compensation soon afterward to cover everything from pain and suffering to Medicare and long term damage.