How AI and Technology Can Improve Your Business

Andrew Charlton
Andrew Charlton
Over the years technology has become more accessible and it has made things a lot easier as well. The thing that most people are looking for in their daily life is information. The internet is the place to find the most data in the world. Everything is right at the tip of your fingertips. AI or artificial intelligence is something that has only progressed with these new evolutions. It is the one thing that business owners are looking at to help improve their business. You may be asking how it could help. There are a number of ways that AI can help to improve a business. It is something that can be seen in multiple different departments including marketing, financial, retail, real estate and customer relations. All kinds of tips on AI can be found online.


In marketing, you are trying to reach those who may have need of your products or services. Many may not know that AI can help in this in multiple ways. AI can produce algorithms to help find the trends in the industry. Marketing’s main objective is to bring in more revenue. Having technology to help point in the right direction will help in that growth. When marketers look at trends they are relying on an abundant amount of information. AI can help organize and label this information to make it easier to decipher and more accessible. Content will also be found faster. Andrew Charlton tells us how AI will perform routine testing and searches too.


Just as in marketing, finance deals with a lot of information on a daily basis. Using Ai can help to keep this vital information protected. It is important to keep certain aspects of a business such as the financials from leaking out of the office. AI will also help to generate reports and keep everything organized. This is a safety regard in the way of fraud as well. It is harder for someone to commit crimes against the company if everything is being watched on a daily basis.


The retail business is all about numbers. Inventory is the largest thing to consider when working in this industry. You have to have the correct number of items in order to ship them. If something is not in stock and you are not aware then you could be selling items that you essentially don’t have. Using AI can keep a running track of your inventory for you. This means that you will no longer have to go out and count every single item to put on a spreadsheet. The work is done for you when you use AI.

Real Estate

Real estate is a tricky one when looking at how AI can help it evolve. There are a number of ways that AI can help though. First is the listings. What listings have been sold or rented and the ones that haven’t. AI can keep track for you that way you always know what is or wasn’t available at the time. It will also crunch numbers for you and tell you if the price is under market value or over and if the client is getting a good deal or not. The information is right there at your fingertips with AI.

Customer Relations

So if we are honest then we would say that customers are the most important aspect of any business. It doesn’t’ matter what kind of business it is or where it is. If it doesn’t have any customers then it will fail. Regardless. You can have tons of product or services but if nobody wants them then they will sit there and you will not make any money from them. The first thing that you look for when researching a business is the reviews. Are they adequate to work with or are they exceptional? This is the information that you need to know. A bad review can turn the next customer away in a heartbeat. AI makes it easy to help more than one customer at a time. They use what is called chatbots to get information from a client or customer while you finish up with someone else. It makes it easy and convenient and then you can give each customer your undivided attention. They also help with phone support and make sure each caller is sent to the correct department for help. This saves the customer time and you headaches.

Artificial Intelligence is something that has continued to grow in the last few years. It is amazing to see where it has taken us. With each year it expands and will soon be helping in more ways than we know. Follow in the footsteps of Andrew Charlton and take a step to the future and try AI in your business today.

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