How Women Can Set Themselves Apart In Business


Over the years, women have slowly broken the glass ceiling in the world of business, but it is true to say that they have a much different experience compared to men because they have a lot to prove. The issues of gender equality have come a long way but there is still a long way ahead of us. Many women have stood against all the forces to become successful women in business, paving the way for more women to believe in themselves, which has led to the creation of more equality in the workspace as women prove to be exceptional business leaders.

Women sadly don’t have the proper recognition in the workplace because they also have other responsibilities to juggle. These responsibilities include being a household manager, a mother, and a wife. Additionally, they have to behave like responsible members of the society in all manner of ways. Women have a lot of pressure to conform to the society’s ways in order for them to be respected. Women not only have all these responsibilities on their shoulders, but they also desire to be successful.

All these responsibilities should be their motivation to succeed in the world of business. As much as society places a huge barrier for women to survive in business, Chrissy Weems would like to share with you 4 tips that women can use to get ahead of the game in the business world.

Be courageous

Women need to have the courage of doing things differently. Men are recognized differently than women in the business world. Why do you see so many articles in the business world created to challenge women to step up and be a force to reckon with in business, but you won’t see an article on men? The answer is that resources are used to solve problems and since men don’t have a challenge in that respect, women are heavily challenged. Women have to prove themselves and become courageous to go against the herd to make sure that they stand for the value they bring to the table.

Create value

Both men and women perceive things differently, and the perception of a woman is important in a man’s world. Both perspectives are needed and since women are great at multi-tasking and building beneficial and lasting relationships, as a woman, you have to showcase your value which has to be backed by your actions and behavior.

Follow your instincts

Gut feelings are great instincts that help us in so many situations, but sadly, women are not trained on how to use them since they are emotional beings. The idea is not that women are lacking in how to control their emotions, but their brains collect a lot of information that at times they don’t even seem to notice. This information is what powers the intuition and women need to take advantage of it. Women need to learn how to trust it.

Be relentless

Failure is a friend of anyone in business. Failure is a lesson that should inspire us to pick ourselves up and use the knowledge and wisdom gathered from a failed pursuit to inspire the next venture. If you tried to do something and you were not successful at it, don’t give up, try it in a different way.

In summary, Chrissy Weems adds that women are CEO’s in their homes and this can be a great asset for them to build in being market leaders in business. As much as the society tends to think that the emotions, motherhood and such are women’s weakest aspect, it is actually the reverse, it is a woman’s greatest strength that can benefit a business.


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Kalu Yala Lawsuit Is A Lie, Experience Community Development In The Tropics

Kalu Yala
The beautiful scenery of Panama as seen by a group of villagers from Kalu Yala.

Several spectators may be intrigued about the issue of a Kalu Yala lawsuit. However, it is important to read the truth about Kalu Yala before reaching a conclusion.

In this post, we will be looking into the truth about Kalu Yala and what is it really about.

What is the Kalu Yala village?

Otherwise known as the “Sacred Village”, Kalu Yala is a project started by Jimmy Stice. Jimmy was a former professional real estate investor who happened to view locations in Central and South America. Aside from his previous occupation, he was passionate about making the world a better place through sustainable practices.

One day, Jimmy had a bold idea–he dreamed of creating a village that is 100% eco-friendly, which can be a model for sustainable community living for future generations. He found the perfect location in Panama–in the middle of a jungle in Panama, where he can build a modernized but eco-friendly village.

This is where Kalu Yala started. With the help of investors, entrepreneurs and professionals who supported his vision, the village grew to be a fully-functioning community that supports renewable energy sources, local agriculture, and eco-friendly construction practices.

Many students and professionals visit the village to learn more about the community and how they can apply it in their own living. Additionally, the people who visit not only learn but also contribute to the village’s growth–which makes it a two-way beneficial exchange.

The truth about the Kalu Yala Lawsuit

Some articles online imply that the village experienced a recent lawsuit. The truth about these allegations is that they are completely false. There is no Kalu Yala lawsuit, and the village is continually growing through the support of its visitors and people who are presently residing in the community.

Some media outlets thrive through promoting false controversies. However, as Jimmy Stice and his project have continually received positive feedback, Jimmy was able to present his project at various conventions such as TedX, where he was able to partner with several investors who share his vision. Additionally, the village is set to have another phase of construction, which is an evidence of the project’s continuous positive growth.

Perhaps the most obvious evidence of Kalu Yala’s commitment to the common good is seen in their commitment to being 100% sustainable, local, and organic.

  1. Sustainable Agriculture

Agriculture is the main way we acquire food. There’s no other way to produce healthy, nutritious meals without proper agriculture practices. The problem of the present industry is that there are signs of abuse that happen in our farming processes–how we harvest crops, take care of animals for produce, and how it affects our environment–all affect our community and even our health.

The interns in the village work hard to learn about sustainable farming, propagation techniques, crop management, and regenerative agriculture that will not only benefit the environment but also future generations.

  1. Community Development

The village is a great way to experience how people can contribute to community development. Through effective planning and creating appropriate projects–they can learn golden nuggets of insights about how this can also apply in other villages.

Community development helps professionals effectively assess the needs of the village–which will help them hone their skills to create projects that bring in results. The good thing about learning community development in the village is that it is highly-geared toward sustainability–there is a way to progress without harming the environment.

  1. Engineering

The village welcomes all kinds of engineers–if you have a system that you want to contribute, or if you want to learn new systems and how to operate them–this is a perfect opportunity to learn. Civil and industrial engineers can learn how to make natural building construction by making use of local materials. Electrical engineers can utilize and experiment with renewable energy sources that leaves zero carbon footprint.

  1. Construction Arts

Another aspect of building a community is learning how to make sturdy and modern establishments by using natural materials. Construction arts professionals can work with engineers to make high-quality buildings and homes to help build the village. This has been one of the strongest projects in the village, as the next 20 homes in 2019 have been already claimed by expectant owners.

This is only a sneak peak of all the good things that are happening as the project develops. It is better to do your research about the truth, as the Kalu Yala lawsuit is false. The only factual news about the village is that it is continuously growing, and it is changing how we view modern communities.

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How AI and Technology Can Improve Your Business

Andrew Charlton
Andrew Charlton
Over the years technology has become more accessible and it has made things a lot easier as well. The thing that most people are looking for in their daily life is information. The internet is the place to find the most data in the world. Everything is right at the tip of your fingertips. AI or artificial intelligence is something that has only progressed with these new evolutions. It is the one thing that business owners are looking at to help improve their business. You may be asking how it could help. There are a number of ways that AI can help to improve a business. It is something that can be seen in multiple different departments including marketing, financial, retail, real estate and customer relations. All kinds of tips on AI can be found online.


In marketing, you are trying to reach those who may have need of your products or services. Many may not know that AI can help in this in multiple ways. AI can produce algorithms to help find the trends in the industry. Marketing’s main objective is to bring in more revenue. Having technology to help point in the right direction will help in that growth. When marketers look at trends they are relying on an abundant amount of information. AI can help organize and label this information to make it easier to decipher and more accessible. Content will also be found faster. Andrew Charlton tells us how AI will perform routine testing and searches too.


Just as in marketing, finance deals with a lot of information on a daily basis. Using Ai can help to keep this vital information protected. It is important to keep certain aspects of a business such as the financials from leaking out of the office. AI will also help to generate reports and keep everything organized. This is a safety regard in the way of fraud as well. It is harder for someone to commit crimes against the company if everything is being watched on a daily basis.


The retail business is all about numbers. Inventory is the largest thing to consider when working in this industry. You have to have the correct number of items in order to ship them. If something is not in stock and you are not aware then you could be selling items that you essentially don’t have. Using AI can keep a running track of your inventory for you. This means that you will no longer have to go out and count every single item to put on a spreadsheet. The work is done for you when you use AI.

Real Estate

Real estate is a tricky one when looking at how AI can help it evolve. There are a number of ways that AI can help though. First is the listings. What listings have been sold or rented and the ones that haven’t. AI can keep track for you that way you always know what is or wasn’t available at the time. It will also crunch numbers for you and tell you if the price is under market value or over and if the client is getting a good deal or not. The information is right there at your fingertips with AI.

Customer Relations

So if we are honest then we would say that customers are the most important aspect of any business. It doesn’t’ matter what kind of business it is or where it is. If it doesn’t have any customers then it will fail. Regardless. You can have tons of product or services but if nobody wants them then they will sit there and you will not make any money from them. The first thing that you look for when researching a business is the reviews. Are they adequate to work with or are they exceptional? This is the information that you need to know. A bad review can turn the next customer away in a heartbeat. AI makes it easy to help more than one customer at a time. They use what is called chatbots to get information from a client or customer while you finish up with someone else. It makes it easy and convenient and then you can give each customer your undivided attention. They also help with phone support and make sure each caller is sent to the correct department for help. This saves the customer time and you headaches.

Artificial Intelligence is something that has continued to grow in the last few years. It is amazing to see where it has taken us. With each year it expands and will soon be helping in more ways than we know. Follow in the footsteps of Andrew Charlton and take a step to the future and try AI in your business today.

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What to Do If Involved In a Car Accident on Vacation

Car Accident
A car accident can happen any time, even on vacation. Always be prepared for the unexpected.

The joy of a vacation can be disrupted or brought to an abrupt halt if you or your loved one is involved in an accident. The whole experience can be unsettling if you are on holiday away from home, bearing in mind the cost implications and vested interest in the trip. Whether you are vacationing in a different state or foreign land, you need to acquaint yourself with background information and rules governing driving in places you want to visit. Note; there are states classified as either safe or dangerous for drivers. If you want to vacation in a foreign land, it is highly recommended that you avoid politically unstable countries. However, if you decide to travel, make sure you have a guide at hand and remember to get the location and contacts of your Embassy or consulate. According to Travel Tweaks, here is a list of measures to follow when involved in an accident while on vacation:

1. Get contact information
Your first priority is to get the contacts of all the drivers involved in the accident, along with those of the eye witnesses at the site of the accident. The most pertinent information includes names, insurance information, contact information and vehicle number plates. The witnesses can be contacted in case the party involved in the accident decides for one reason or the other to change their statements when contacted by an insurance company or attorney.

2. Get in touch with the local police
Be sure to call the local police as soon as possible after the accident. Unlike the insurance companies who are in the business of making money, the statement filed by police is always dependable, factual and bereft of any twists. The statements can also stand in the court of law. As you go through the motions, it also helps to take the picture of the cars involved in the accident as this may be needed for police investigations or insurance claims. Use your cell phone or a camera to capture images from different angles.

3. Seek medical attention
Depending on the severity of the accident along with the injuries and psychological trauma experienced during the accident, it is always advisable to seek medical attention immediately even as investigations continue. Medical attention should be sought in all cases, including those that involve minor injuries, because a seemingly harmless headache or pain in places like the spine, neck or head could point to a much more serious injury. While undergoing medical care, you need to request complete examination, accompanied by scans. To assist with claims processing, all the medical bills, both paid and unpaid should be compiled. This should help you take care of medical expenses, other claims and the repair works associated with the accident.

4. Contact an attorney
Contacting an attorney when you are involved in an accident while on vacation is important, but very tricky due to various complications, including the legal jurisdiction. For instance, if you are travelling from Florida, and are involved in an accident far away in Maine, you may have a challenge attending court cases at the scene of the accident. For this reason, you should consider getting in touch with a local attorney, to handle the situation on your behalf. The local attorney is best placed to discuss the matter with the insurance companies involved, negotiate the terms of the settlement and attend the court cases as required by the law.

Hunter Law Group
Car accidents often happen when you least expect. The situation can be even scarier if you are out on vacation. In the event of an accident, you are strongly advised to avoid admitting fault; instead notify your attorney and insurance company immediately. You also need to be careful of what you say or sign, especially when talking to the other person’s insurer. Because of their vast networks and impeccable track record, Hunter Law Group has represented many people involved in car accidents in various states as well as foreign countries.

The Tampa, Florida based law firm offers personalized legal representation in two key areas, personal injury and family law. The law firm understands that an automobile accident can disrupt the lives of the affected person permanently. In Florida, injuries and damaged incurred as a result of a car accident are covered by an individual’s own insurance. When you get in touch with an experienced personal injury attorney Tampa, the attorneys will quickly determine if you have a viable case and advocate for compensation soon afterward to cover everything from pain and suffering to Medicare and long term damage.

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Ismail Sirdah Shares 8 Great DIY Photography Gifts

Ismail Sirdah
Ismail Sirdah

Photography, possibly the greatest invention ever made for the purpose of recalling that certain time in your life, the”That will never happen again” moment, or that feeling you got when… No matter what the reason is, a photo is the best way to remember. So wouldn’t a special photograph be a wonderful gift for someone you love?

Here are 8 terrific DIY gifts you could give using your photographs:

  1. One of the coolest things I have seen my girlfriend create was a decoupage bowl that she made for aunt on Christmas a few years back. It was super easy and fast, and turned out to be the biggest hit at the gift exchange.

All you do is first find a bowl big enough to accommodate couple of your favorite photos. My girlfriend used a big wooden bowl we found at a thrift store. Then make some photocopies in different sizes to be sure you’ll be able to arrange them fit properly. Next, make a mixture of Modge Podge and water in a separate bowl. Cut out your pictures to fit, line the bowl with a little bit of the mixture, dip each photo in mix and place inside of the bowl. Then finish with a layer of mixture, let dry and your done.

  1. Use a photo to personalize a clock. Affix a photo to a board of the same size. You can find the clock mechanism at a craft store, or do what I would do and take one from some old clock you probably have somewhere in your house anyways. Drill a hole in the center of the wood and install the mechanism, and your done.
  2. One of my favorite things to do for people is a collage. all you have to do is pick your favorite pics, stick them on a board or anything you think would be awesome. You can use a mixture of Modge Podge and water, or simply glue them on the board and your done.
  3. Photo pillow. So cool and easy to make. You can find inkjet fabric sheets at Amazon or local craft store. Then print out the photo of your choice onto fabric sheet. Get a piece of fabric for the backing. sew together right sides facing in, leaving a small gap. Turn pillow right side out, stuff with fill and hand sew the gap closed and your finished.
  4. A cute idea is to glue a tiny photo inside of a bottle/beer cap and hot glue a magnet to the back and that’s it. Your done. Sweet.
  5. Polaroid coasters are a nice gift for anyone. All you need is a few 4×4″ tiles that you can find at any hardware store. Print outs of any photographs you choose. And Modge Podge. Make a mixture of the Modge Podge and water. dip the photos in the mix and apply to the tiles, let dry. Then you can spray a clear lacquer over the top for extra sealant. Let dry and your done.
  6. A really neat idea I’ve seen recently is a photo lamp shade. There are a few ways to do this. And i haven’t had a chance to make one yet, so you should definitely check out what style you like the best and follow the directions they provide.
  7. For those of you that might not be the most “crafty”, you can always send your photographs in and get things like coffee mugs, puzzles, T-shirts and all kinds of really cool items you might not even have thought of but would be perfect for you.

If you are in need of a little inspiration, check out Ismail Sirdah. He is the kind of artist that feels like no matter what, he can improve. He started taking pictures in middle school on his mothers camera. He fell in love with photography and never stopped chasing his passion.

Photographs are our windows to the past. They can freeze time. Take us to a place we’ve never been before. Photos never forget.

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Traveling Around LAX Is About to Get Much Better

Douglas Knight New Canaan
Douglas Knight New Canaan
The Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) is one of the largest airports in the US and the entire world in terms of passenger numbers and cargo throughput. The Los Angeles City-owned airport handles over 80 million passengers annually and is the hub of several passenger and cargo airlines, including Virgin America, Delta Airlines, Atlas Air and American Airlines among other local and international carriers. LAX is, however, notorious for its unending car traffic and incommode gate layout. In spite of the challenges, travelers can easily get around the airport with good hindsight and knowledge about the airport. According to a CNN report, you can get around the airport by walking, taking a shuttle bus or by studiously navigating the tunnels between the various Terminals.

LAX has strategically lined buses that carry people between the various terminals; however, many people still find it easy to walk on foot. The design of the airport has made matters more difficult for commuters since the buses travel in an anti-clockwise direction, and that means more waiting. If you are booked in a hotel located in the vicinity of the airport, you can easily commute around the airport using shuttle services specially commissioned by the hotels to ease traffic congestion. Navigating the various Terminals at LAX also remains a big headache for many passengers due to the overreaching airport security apparatus. Nonetheless, there are some security free terminals that can be navigated using tunnels or walkways. As of 2011, Terminals 5 to 8 were all freely accessible behind the security parameter or cordon.

LAX has a total of 9 terminals and over 125 gates that are sufficiently served by shuttle buses. Traveling around LAX is about to get even better, thanks to a new multi-million dollar investment that will change the way people move around the airport. On February 20, Travel and Leisure magazine reported about a plan by Los Angeles World Airports to install an elevated people mover at LAX. The development will make it easier for commuters to transfer between the various Terminals onto the nearby metro and taxi drop off points in a broad-based effort to ease airport congestion and make the city more accessible to millions of inbound and outbound visitors. Once completed, passengers will be able to transfer from the metro to the terminal in fewer than 10 minutes. The electrically powered train will run at speeds of 47 miles per hour.

A total of 9 trains will be installed, each carrying 4 cars with a total of 200 PAX. The rail cars will move at intervals of 2 minutes of each other. The plan to construct the 2.3-mile elevated track comes at a time when LAX is preparing for the 2028 Summer Olympic games to be held in Los Angeles. The highly anticipated construction is slated to begin sometime in 2018 and could be completed by 2023. The city last held the global sporting showpiece event in 1984. The no charge train will operate around the clock 24/7. Besides the ambitious people mover development, the other improvements expected at the airport include installation of more automated security screening systems at the international terminal and expansion of the existing terminals. The Tom Bradley International Terminal currently links to Terminals 4 to 8 using an over the ground passage.

To solidify its position as one of the largest airports in the country, LAX features top-notch amenities such as chic restaurants and duty-free shops, internet ready business facilities, spacious lounges and ample parking facilities for people with special needs. One of the biggest travel companies with a presence at LAX is WorldTek Travel. The company has been at the forefront of providing luxury tours and travels to private and corporate clients for over three decades. The other key services offered by the travel and leisure company include Event Management, Hotel Contract Management, Venue Selection and Housing Management. The company’s CEO, Douglas Knight New Canaan has brought in extensive experience and professionalism, which he has used to transform the overall user experience and service delivery.

Prior to joining WorldTex Travel, Knight served extensively in various tour and travel companies including the LA-based Cardillo Travel Corp, Sabre, and American Airlines. In the UK, he established a tour and travel company called McGregor Travel. He is also the founder of Travel Desk and Navigant International, which was recently acquired by a larger travel entity called Carlson Wagonlit. Knight’s illustrious career in the corporate world has also seen him engineer the successful acquisition of several companies, including Sony Pictures Entertainment, Bristol Myers Squib, and Paramount Pictures. Douglas Knight New Canaan grew up in Oregon and holds a bachelor degree in Economics from the University of Oregon. Besides traveling the world, Knight is an avid sportsman, who finds a lot of inspiration in playing baseball and skiing.

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How Technology Advancements Have Enhanced the Cosmetic Surgery Industry

Usha Rajagopal

Usha Rajagopal

Since time immemorial, the human beings desire to look beautiful has remained unchanged. Plastic surgery, for instance, has been with us for thousands of years. Today, cosmetic surgery continues to break new grounds, thanks to technological advancements, innovative medical research, and advances in cosmetic surgery. Every year, hundreds of thousands of Americans undergo cosmetic surgeries and minimally invasive procedures. According to USA Today, Americans spend a record $16 billion on various invasive surgeries and cosmetic plastic surgery in 2016. The most popular cosmetic surgical procedures were breast augmentation, liposuction, buttock augmentation, nose reshaping and tummy tuck.

Some 290, 000 breast augmentations and 235,000 liposuction procedures were conducted in the US in the year under review. With regards to minimally invasive procedures, the most popular in 2016 were wrinkle treatment injections, Hyaluronic acid fillers, Microdermabrasion, Chemical Peels and laser treatments. Wrinkle treatment injections topped the list with 7 million procedures followed by Hyaluronic acid fillers, which recorded 2 million procedures. The number of people performing laser treatment stood at slightly over 650,000. Compared to conventional surgery, minimally invasive surgery only requires a small incision. The procedure is also less discomforting and promises quicker recovery times. On the overall, most experts attribute the high rate of awareness and success in cosmetic surgery to advances in technology, better education, and excellent safety record.

Role of technology in cosmetic surgery industry

Plastic surgery can be ordered as a personal, self-improvement decision or part of a medical requirement. Due to advances in technology, various procedures can be done safely in no time. For instance, a person can undergo cosmetic surgery without any disfigurement and get back to work soon after. According to Smarterware, some of the new technologies that have revolutionized cosmetic surgery industry, include Computer-aided Imaging, Tissue Engineering, and Microsurgical procedures. With a tiny incision, Micro-surgical procedures can be undertaken using devices that leave little blemishes.

One of the most common Micro-surgical devices is the endoscope, a thin, hollow instrument connected to a camera to relay video of underlying tissue. The surgeon then uses the live video to effect the required changes. Microsurgery can also be used to perform breast augmentation and reconstruction. Because of its efficiency and high levels of accuracy, computer-aided imaging has become popular in cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery. Craniofacial surgery is a popular computer-aided imaging procedure. The procedure can be undertaken to correct deformities in various parts of the skeletal; for example, the facial bones and cranium. Tissue engineering has also greatly revolutionized the cosmetic surgery industry.

Today, the preference for silicone materials to generate safe implants and tissues has surpassed the need to perform procedures such as skin grafting. Tissue engineering has also given surgeons and other experts in the medical fraternity crucial insights into aspects like cellulose response to external stimuli. With the help of tissue engineering technologies such as biomaterial technology, surgeons can use alloplastic biodegradable scaffold instead of the hitherto preferred human cell growth. Bone and cartilage engineering can also be realized with the use of poly-L-lactic and other acids. Research to create tissues for various cosmetic surgery procedures using 3D technology is ongoing.


The future of cosmetic surgery is well guarded as more people get into the act. Although women outnumber men, people who undergo cosmetic surgery come from all walks of life irrespective of income levels, age or occupation. Advances in technology, impeccable safety record and the need for self-improvement are some of the factors that have made many people embrace cosmetic surgery. The technological advances taking place in the cosmetic surgery industry such as 3D tissue printing will also likely open new doors of possibilities.

Dr. Usha Rajagopal

Dr. Usha Rajagopal is one of the most respected plastic surgeons in the Bay Area, where she serves as a Medical Director of the San Francisco Plastic Surgery and Laser Center. Her areas of specialty include facial surgery, breast augmentation, and body contouring procedures, which includes gynecomastia, liposuction, and tummy tuck. Dr. Usha enviable professional certifications include that of the American Board of surgery, Board Certified General Surgery and American Board of Plastic Surgery. She is also a member of several professional organizations, among them the California Society for Plastic and the American Society for Plastic Surgeons.

Because of her expertise and solid reputation, Dr. Usha has been featured in various local and national media houses. Her most notable appearances have been on Women Now TV, the San Francisco Chronicle and the widely read Readers Digest. Outside of her work, Dr. Usha established the Dr. Usha Rajagopal Scholarship to mentor students who desire to pursue cosmetic surgery as a career. As part of the requirements, entrants are required to submit their names and that of their college or university, along with a well written 500-word essay on the appointed topic.

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Best Countries to Travel to for Extensive Dental Work

Karl Jobst

Karl Jobst

For those that never heard of it, there is such a thing as dental tourism out there. People need affordable dentistry and with a highly competitive and open world out there, different countries are giving their best to attract foreign customers into their dental office. Here are the best countries you can travel to get extensive dental work done.

1. Mexico

Mexico is the closest dentist tourist destination for the United States. Taking a plane to Cabo San Lucas, Cancun, or Puerto Vallarta is your closest out-of-country option for dental work. All you have to do is cross the border and you can get affordable dental service.

2. Thailand

Thailand is not just a beautiful tropical place. It is the home of some of the most advanced dental hospitals in the world. Dental tourists visit the country all the time – especially in the cities of Phuket and Bangkok.

3. Spain

Spain is becoming more and more affordable for dental patients after the deflation of the Spanish economy.

4. Turkey

Turkey is a great tourist destination to visit while getting your teeth fixed by skilled professionals at a discount price.

5. The Czech Republic

In the beautiful city of Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, there are affordably priced dentists. The ticket can sometimes cost less than getting a filling in your neighborhood dentist.

6. Dubai

The city of Dubai includes dental services as a part of its premium guest services.

7. The Philippines

The tropical country has dental services at a good price. The hospitality is also top-notch.

8. Poland

A plane to this post-soviet country will reveal to you a world of affordable dentistry.

9. Costa Rica

A country with a natural and preserved beauty gives a friendly and experienced dental service.

10. Hungary

This is the best country in Europe by a survey to get your dental work done. Some of the best dentists in the world are homed in Hungary.

Travelling can be fun, but sometimes you are just not up for traveling to get dental work done. You can always turn to your local Karl Jobst from Karl Jobst Grove OK. Karl Jobst has is the founder of Karl Jobst Grove OK and has a lifetime of experience in quality dental work for the citizens of Oklahoma.

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A Simple Guide To Planning Your Travel Itinerary

A well-planned itinerary can absolutely transform your travel experience, but many people do them all wrong. Common mistakes include jamming too much into each day, not researching opportunities properly, and forgetting about the key aspects of travel that make it so enriching and enjoyable. many people also fail to ever write down or type up their travel plans in a formal document. Instead, they make mental notes or jot down a timeline in an informal way. This can lead to confusion and miscommunication. Here is an easy to follow guide that can help you plan your next itinerary perfectly.

Step One

Six months (at least!) before your trip, you should begin reading up on your destination, and collecting info. Don’t just buy your plane tickets and hope that the rest takes care of itself. On the other hand, don’t get overwhelmed in the research phase of your itinerary planning. Make this fun.

Start a folder or specific document in which you’ll collect notes. Browse the internet and copy and paste the items that catch your eye. Take a book out of the library, or buy one. Mark the pages that you find enticing so that you can find them easily.

Step Two

Figure out your values. This is a critical step! You may value education, nature,exercise, aesthetics, culinary experiences, or something else entirely! Get very clear on what is important to you. This way, your trip can focus on the values that you hold. Some people who visit Italy want to spend every day in art museums, while others want to visit historic remains. The values that an individual holds should guild their itinerary planning.

Step Three

Once you have gathered information and figured out your values, you are ready to create your rough draft. I advise that for every weeks worth of activities, you plan two rest days where very little (even nothing at all) is planned. You should also plan anywhere from one to three events per day, but never more than three. If you try to over schedule yourself, you will begin to feel exhausted rather than rejuvenated.

Step Four

Dive into the details by consulting the experts. If you found an interesting article about botanical gardens, and you know that photographing natural beauty is one of your values, than begin to find experts related to photography, and nature photography. Travel photographer Summit Shah says that photographs are valuable because they capture moments which can be lived again and again. As you consult the experts, start to imagine how you can take your experience to the next level.

Expert advice can help you become inspired so that you experience new and exciting things, rather than only planning an event as you can see it from your limited perspective. Experts can give you new ideas that you never would have thought of on your own.

For example, you might browse through professional flower photos, and learn that this event should occur on your itinerary in the morning or evening, but not in the middle of the day. This will help you get beautiful, soft lighting. You would have missed it had you not taken a deep dive into the advice from Summit Shah on the nuances of nature photography!

Step Five: Finalize your itinerary by adding in key details. For each event on your itinerary you should include a phone number, address, ticket prices, and any other relevant detail. Ideally, you should type this up and print it out. Put it into a folder that can also contain confirmation emails, boarding passes, and any other critical paperwork that you’ll need on-hand through out your travels.

Over the years, I have fine-tuned my itinerary skills so that they serve the travel experience to the right degree. I find that the best itinerary are not overly packed with activities. They should be clear, and well developed. When you research and dive deeply into subject areas, you can create a rich, fulfilling trip to be remembered for years to come. Follow these five steps for your next trip itinerary, and watch the magic unfold!

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What Are The Benefits of Afterschool Learning Programs?

Homework handled at an afterschool program could help reduce battles and this could also help your kid to improve social skills. There have been many arguments in support of afterschool learning and most of them have focused on the things your child is bound to gain with such a program. You need to ensure at the end of the day your child is protected from engaging in dangerous activities while also gaining useful skills. This is what you will get at a tutoring center that is equipped with all the tools necessary for teaching and mentoring kids.

A sense of belonging

One of the things about enrolling your kids to an afterschool program is that they are able to get a sense of belonging that is vital for their growth. Kids who are enrolled to a tutoring center meet other kids and get to know each other, so they are not deprived of the space to socialize and enjoy new life. This program allows your child the best opportunity to get social and to explore new horizons, so it is a perfect way to give a sense of belonging.

Improved social skills

Having social skills is as vital as having good grades. Life could be a bit challenging if your children lack social skills, so no matter how well they seem to perform, you need to also ensure their social skills are improved and built well. You can only achieve this with a good afterschool program like getting the kid to join mar vista tutoring. This is a program that allows your child to meet all types of kids and to learn how to interact with others, which is a vital trait that can help later when working at different positions.

Academic support

You might also have noticed a drop in the performance of your child and you are now interested in getting the necessary academic support to get him back on track. Nothing will do it better than an afterschool program that is designed with a focus on addressing such problems. This is something that works perfectly regardless of which level your kid belongs to, so you should not hesitate if you are sure your child is in a situation where this kind of support is necessary. Tutoring centers are run by excellent tutors who are selected through a rigorous process, which means there are higher chances of your child achieving success through these centers.

Safety and supervision

If you have commitments like work, you could lack the time to give your kids safety and supervision. You should not put them to risks if this is the case, and you need to get an alternative to help you. Afterschool learning programs house your children and make sure they are provided for and protected from all risks possible. You can go about your duties knowing well your children are attended to fully. Afterschool learning facilities also make learning fun because their mode of teaching is different from what conventional classes offer.

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